The State of Programmatic Video in Asia: Q1, 2020 Part 2

发布于 June 09, 2020
Team InMobi

The demand for engaging video content is on the rise. An average mobile user spends 84 minutes in a day engaging with videos. As advertisers scale in-app advertising, programmatic video help capture the mindshare of viewers, providing them truly immersive brand experiences.

We delve into insights from the InMobi Advertising Platform to understand why In-App Programmatic Video advertising has become the front and centre focus for most advertisers. How has video engagement shifted across Asia? Which app categories are delivering the most engagement with programmatic videos? As a sequel to our blog on the video programmatic spends across Asia, we unravel the performance of video programmatic ads in Southeast Asia, ANZ and India for the period between Q2, 2019 to Q1, 2020

Programmatic Video Performance in Southeast Asia

1.Video Ads Deliver Higher Engagement

  1. Programmatic videos have delivered an increase in overall Click-Through Rate (CTR) by 3X compared to the aggregate overall CTR of other ad formats.
  2. When compared to banner ads, video ads deliver 4X higher engagement

2.Engagement Across Vertical Vs Horizontal Video Formats

  1. While spends on vertical videos are lesser than that of horizontal videos, vertical videos have higher impact. Engagement driven by vertical videos is 3X of horizontal videos.
  2. Vertical video ads recorded 7X times higher CTR over banner ads, while horizontal ads recorded 2.3X the CTR of banner ads
  3. Vertical videos offer 1.5X higher completion rates than horizontal videos
  4. Vertical ads offer 3X in terms of engagement from Q1, 2019 to Q2, 2020.

3.App Categories Driving Maximum Engagement

  1. The Entertainment category drives the most engagement followed by Finance, Technology, Food & Drink apps.
  2. For Shopping, News, Finance, Food & Drink categories, vertical video delivers 2X engagement over horizontal videos


Performance of Vertical and Horizontal Video in SEA


Programmatic Video Performance in ANZ

1.Video Ads Deliver Higher Engagement

  1. Programmatic videos are raising overall video Click-Through Rate (CTR) by 7.5X, compared to the aggregate CTR delivered by other ad formats.
  2. When compared to banner ads, video ads recorded 12X higher engagement

2.Engagement in Vertical Vs Horizontal Video Formats

  1. While spends on vertical videos are lesser than those of horizontal videos, vertical videos delivered maximum impact. Engagement of vertical videos is much higher with a CTR of 1.2X compared to horizontal videos.
  2. Vertical video ads recorded CTR 13.5X compared to banner ads while horizontal ads recorded 11X the CTR of banner ads
  3. Vertical ads have continued to increase by 37% in terms of engagement from Q1, 2019 to Q2, 2020

3. Apps Categories Driving Maximum Engagement

  1. The Entertainment category sees the highest engagement followed by Health & Fitness, Technology, and Music apps.
  2. For Business and Food & Drink categories, vertical video delivers 2X the engagement than horizontal videos


Performance of Vertical and Horizontal Video in ANZ


Programmatic Video Performance in India

1.Video Ads Deliver Higher Engagement

  1. Programmatic videos are witnessing an increase in overall video Click-Through Rates (CTR) by 3.5X compared to the aggregate overall CTR of other ad formats.
  2. When compared to banner ads, video ads are seeing 4.5X higher engagement

2.Engagement in Vertical Vs Horizontal Video Formats

  1. While spends on vertical videos are lesser than those of horizontal videos, vertical videos delivered maximum impact. The engagement on vertical videos is much higher with CTR 2.3X of horizontal videos.
  2. With higher engagement delivered by vertical video formats, they also have recorded a rise in adoption. There’s an increase in 51% of the adoption of vertical videos year on year.
  3. Vertical video also offers higher completion rates i.e. 1.5X higher than horizontal videos

3.Top Category Apps Engaging with Programmatic Video Content

  1. The Entertainment category sees the highest engagement followed by Finance, Food & Drink, Education, and News.
  2. For Entertainment, News, Finance, Music & Audio categories, vertical video delivers 2X the engagement than horizontal videos


Performance of Vertical and Horizontal Video in India


Two Reasons for Brands to Leverage Programmatic Videos

While we put forth three reasons to choose Programmatic ads in the prequel, here are two more reasons why brands should choose programmatic video:

Programmatic Ads accurately measure Brand and Sales Metrics

Programmatic channels provide a transparent ecosystem for marketers to exactly measure how a creative, ad, or a campaign performed in real-time. Unlike traditional advertising, programmatic video is above the fold and gives an eagle’s eye view of the metrics that enable marketers to make informed and impactful decisions.

Programmatic Ads are Compliant to Regulatory Authorities

Players in the in-app ecosystem (publishers, SSPs, DSPs) work with IAB to adhere to all privacy regulations, even as they evolve over time, just like mobile web and desktop. This ensures 100% compliance in terms of messaging, creatives, placements, and measurement, leaving no room for ad fraud and brand safety concerns.


You can download the full APAC Programmatic Video report here