Choose a plan that is right for your business
Starts from $200 per research study
Custom Plans
Authoring | ||
Basic survey question formats
Single-select, multi-select, yes or no, picture choice, video, rating scale, opinion scale
Ready-to-use survey templates
Basic survey logic features
Logic jump, screener question, randomization
Advanced survey question formats
Unaided list, text box, drop-down, swipe, matrix, ranking
Customizable survey design
Custom branding, logos
Advanced survey logic features
Question and answer piping, advanced branching
Dedicated research specialist
Targeting | ||
Sampling quotas
Basic location targeting
Country, state, city
Basic demographic targeting
Gender, preset ranges of age and income
Device targeting
OS, carrier
Lifestyle-based targeting segments
Advanced location targeting
Zip code, lat-long
Polygon-based point-of-interest location targeting
Advanced demographic targeting
Custom ranges of age and income
Custom segment creation
Device ID based targeting
Reporting | ||
Shareable interactive dashboard
Real-time reporting of responses
Basic reporting
Graphs, cross-tabs, respondent profile report, AI-generated insights
Downloadable reports
Advanced reporting
OS, carrier
Dedicated data analyst
Zip code, lat-long
Support | ||
24/7 email support
24/7 phone support
Dedicated account manager
Choose a plan that is right for your business
Starts from $200 per research study
Custom Plans
Authoring | ||
Basic survey question formats
Single-select, multi-select, yes or no, picture choice, video, rating scale, opinion scale
Ready-to-use survey templates
Basic survey logic features
Logic jump, screener question, randomization
Advanced survey question formats
Unaided list, text box, drop-down, swipe, matrix, ranking
Customizable survey design
Custom branding, logos
Advanced survey logic features
Question and answer piping, advanced branching
Dedicated research specialist
Targeting | ||
Sampling quotas
Basic location targeting
Country, state, city
Basic demographic targeting
Gender, preset ranges of age and income
Device targeting
OS, carrier
Lifestyle-based targeting segments
Advanced location targeting
Zip code, lat-long
Polygon-based point-of-interest location targeting
Advanced demographic targeting
Custom ranges of age and income
Custom segment creation
Device ID based targeting
Reporting | ||
Shareable interactive dashboard
Real-time reporting of responses
Basic reporting
Graphs, cross-tabs, respondent profile report, AI-generated insights
Downloadable reports
Advanced reporting
OS, carrier
Dedicated data analyst
Zip code, lat-long
Support | ||
24/7 email support
24/7 phone support
Dedicated account manager